Thursday, October 2, 2008

U. S Air Force Oath of Enlistment

I, (state your name), swear to sign away 4 years of my life to the United States Air Force because I now I couldn't hack it in the Army, the Marines frighten me, and the Navy because I am afraid of water over waist deep.I swear to sit behind a desk. I also swear not to do any form of real exercise, but promise to defend our bike riding test as a valid form of exercise. I promise to walk around calling everyone by their first name because I find it amusing to annoy the other services that way.

I will have a better quality of life than those around me and will, at all times, be sure to make them aware of that fact. After completion of "Basic Training", I will be a lean, mean donut eating, Lazy Boy sitting, civilian wearing blue clothes, Chair Borne Ranger. I will believe I am superior to all others and will make an effort to clean the knife before stabbing the next person in the back. I will annoy those around me, and will go home early every day. So help me God!"

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